cUrl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols (DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET and TFTP). The command is designed to work without user interaction. I am sharing some of the instances below I've used so far..
Getting HTTP response code from cUrl
Getting/Saving Cookie from response
Saving response into file
Use eval() to run any command set in a variable
Setting cookies for cUrl request
SOAP Request using cUrl
- Basic Authentication
# Use -u attribute to provide credentials as <username>:<password>
# Use -X or --request attribute to mention HTTP method
# Use --url (applicable by default) to mention destination URL
curl -X POST -u johndoe01:pass1234 --url
# Getting response text into variable 'response'.
# Due to -w ${http_code} attribute, you'd get the HTTP response code
# along with end text line of response.
response=$(curl -X POST -w %{http_code} -u $username:$password $authURL);
# If response doesn't contain SUCCESS (HTTP Code 200) then exit.
if [[ $response != *"200"* ]]; then
echo $(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S')" " "SIGNON Unsuccessful. Exiting..."
# Use --cookie-jar attribute followed by filename which will
# contain response header cookies.
# Use backslash (ensure no white space after that) for multi line commands
curl -X POST -w %{http_code} \
-u $username:$password \
--cookie-jar $cookiePath \
# Reading cookie file contents into variable
cookies=cat $cookiePath;
# Use -o attribute to set cUrl's response into an output file
curl -X POST -w %{http_code} \
-u $username:$password \
--cookie-jar $cookiePath \
$authURL -o $response;
authCurl="curl -X POST -w %{http_code} -u $username:$password $authURL"
echo "URL to be processed: "$authCurl
$(eval ${authCurl})
# Use --header attribute for setting cookie as Cookie: '<cookieValue1><cookieValue2>'
curl -X POST -w %{http_code} -u $username:$password \
--header 'Cookie: $JSESSIONID;' $authURL
# OR use --cookie attribute followed by '<cookieValue1><cookieValue2>'
curl -X POST -w %{http_code} -u $username:$password \
--cookie $JSESSIONID $authURL
requestBody="<some SOAP request>"
# Writing request body into file.
# Use > for creating new file every time
# Use >> for appending over same file
echo $requestBody > "./requestFile.xml"
# Use --header attribute to provide request headers
# Use -d attribute to provide request body.
soapCurl="curl --request POST \
--url '$authUrl' \
--header 'Cookie: $JSESSIONID;' \
--header 'Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8' \
--header 'request-type: SOAP' \
--header 'SOAPAction: \"\"' \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d @'./requestFile.xml' \
-o soapResponse.txt";
$(eval ${soapCurl})
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